Monday, September 30, 2019

End of Life Care Essay

When a loved one is dying, conversations about the end of life can be uncomfortable and difficult. Still, discussing end-of-life care is important. Depending on the circumstances, you might be able to help your loved one make important end-of-life decisions — such as whether to remain at home, move to a nursing home or other facility, or seek hospice care. Also, you can work with your loved one’s health care team to make sure your loved one remains comfortable at the end of life. Pain, anxiety and other end-of-life symptoms can often be treated. Even at the end of life, you can continue to support and nurture your relationship with your loved one. Simply being there can be an important source of strength and comfort for everyone. Grief When a loved one dies, grief can feel like a dagger in your heart. Often, grief triggers raw, intense emotions. You might wonder how you’ll ever pick up the pieces and heal your wounds — yet not feel as if you’re betraying your loved one’s memory. There are no quick fixes for the grief and anguish that follow a loved one’s death. As you face your grief, acknowledge the pain and know that it’s part of the healing process. Take good care of yourself, and seek support from friends and loved ones. Although your life will never be quite the same, the searing pain of grief will eventually become less intense. Accepting your new â€Å"normal† can help you reconcile your losses and move on with your life. Hospice Care Also called: End-of-life care Hospice care is end-of-life care provided by health professionals and volunteers. They give medical, psychological and spiritual support. The goal of the care is to help people who are dying have peace, comfort and dignity. The caregivers try to control pain and other symptoms so a person can remain as alert and comfortable as possible. Hospice programs also provide services to support a patient’s family. Usually, a hospice patient is expected to live 6 months or less. Hospice care can take place * At home * At a hospice center * In a hospital * In a skilled nursing facility ————————————————- What is the role of the family? Family members often make sacrifices to care for relatives. Families provide care, pain management, and protect the patient. Although they may lack knowledge, caregivers gain satisfaction and pride from providing care, but are also at risk for depression and health problems related to caregiver stress (Haley & Bailey, 1999: Haley et al., 2001; Weitzner, Haley, & Chen, 2000). Some cultures may believe caring is the community’s duty and obligation. Caregivers benefit from social support, maintaining social activities and roles, and psychological interventions that teach coping skills. Most people want their family to be given choices about treatment and few wanted the physician to decide alone (Bradley, 1998). End of life: Caring for a dying loved one Whether you bring a dying loved one home or keep vigil at the hospital, you can take measures to provide comfort and relief at the end of life. Caring for a dying loved one isn’t easy. Even when you know the end of life is approaching, you might not feel prepared. Understanding what to expect — and what you can do to increase your loved one’s comfort — can help. * Choosing where to die Your loved one may have various choices for end-of-life care. Options may include: * Home care. Many people choose to die at home or in the home of a family member. You can assume the role of caregiver or hire home care services for support. Hospice care — services that help ensure the highest quality of life for whatever time remains — can be provided at home as well. * Inpatient care. Some people may prefer round-the-clock care at a nursing home, hospital or dedicated inpatient hospice facility. Hospice and palliative care — a holistic treatment approach intended to ease symptoms, relieve pain, and address spiritual and psychological concerns — can be provided in any of these environments. When you discuss the options with your loved one, consider his or her preferences as well as special physical, emotional and psychosocial needs. Evaluate how much support can be provided by family members and friends. For help determining the best option, talk with your loved one’s health care team or a social worker. You might ask for a referral to palliative or hospice care specialists — health care providers trained in specific care for people nearing the end of life. * Spirituality at the end of life As your loved one approaches the end of life, he or she may talk about spirituality or the meaning of life. Don’t force the subject — but if it comes up, encourage your loved one to explore and address his or her feelings. You might ask your loved one open-ended questions about his or her beliefs and experiences or most meaningful moments. You may want to invite a spiritual leader to visit your loved one as well. * Saying goodbye You can help your loved one communicate his or her final wishes for family and friends. Encourage your loved one to share his or her feelings, including thanks or forgiveness, and give others a chance to say goodbye. This may stimulate discussion about important, unsaid thoughts, which can be meaningful for everyone. Your loved one might also find it comforting to leave a legacy — such as creating a recording about his or her life or writing letters to loved ones, especially concerning important future events. * Recognizing when death is near It’s difficult to predict exactly when someone will die. As death approaches, however, your loved one may show various signs and symptoms indicating that the end of life is near. Look for: * Restlessness and agitation. Your loved one may frequently change positions. * Withdrawal. Your loved one may no longer want to participate in social events or other favorite activities. * Drowsiness. Your loved one may spend most of his or her time asleep. * Loss of appetite. Your loved one may eat and drink less than usual. * Pauses or other changes in breathing. This may happen when your loved one is asleep or awake. Providing comfort The active phase of dying usually begins several days before death. Although you can’t change what’s happening to your loved one, you can help him or her feel as comfortable as possible — ideally with the support of palliative or hospice care specialists. Your loved one also may experience a brief, final surge of energy. Though it can be confusing to see your loved one with renewed vitality, remember that this is a normal part of dying. If it happens, take advantage of the opportunity to enjoy your loved one and say your final goodbyes. * Keeping vigil For many families, keeping vigil near a dying loved one’s bed is a way to show support and love. If you decide to keep vigil, continue talking to your loved one. If you think your loved one would want to share this time with others, invite family members or close friends to show their support as well. Express your love, but also let your loved one know that it’s all right to let go. What is working? Mental health providers with palliative expertise can improve communication and resources. Mental health experts help providers understand the patient’s concerns and culture. They explain confusing medical terms and clarify CPR, pain management, and other treatments and encourage collaboration. Mental health providers also help relieve the common emotional distress and grief resulting from a terminal illness or care giving. COPING WITH BEREAVEMENT â€Å"IN OUR HEARTS, WE ALL KNOW THAT DEATH IS A PART OF LIFE. IN FACT, DEATH GIVES MEANING TO OUR EXISTENCE BECAUSE IT REMINDS US HOW PRECIOUS LIFE IS.† * Coping With Loss The loss of a loved one is life’s most stressful event and can cause a major emotional crisis. After the death of someone you love, you experience bereavement, which literally means â€Å"to be deprived by death.† Remember — It takes time to fully absorb the impact of a major loss. You never stop missing your loved one, but the pain eases after time and allows you to go on with your life. * Knowing What to Expect When a death takes place, you may experience a wide range of emotions, even when the death is expected. Many people report feeling an initial stage of numbness after first learning of a death, but there is no real order to the grieving process. Some emotions you may experience include: * Denial * Disbelief * Confusion * Shock * Sadness * Yearning * Anger * Humiliation * Despair * Guilt These feelings are normal and common reactions to loss. You may not be prepared for the intensity and duration of your emotions or how swiftly your moods may change. You may even begin to doubt the stability of your mental health. But be assured that these feelings are healthy and appropriate and will help you come to terms with your loss. * Mourning A Loved One It is not easy to cope after a loved one dies. You will mourn and grieve. Mourning is the natural process you go through to accept a major loss. Mourning may include religious traditions honoring the dead or gathering with friends and family to share your loss. Mourning is personal and may last months or years. Grieving is the outward expression of your loss. Your grief is likely to be expressed physically, emotionally, and psychologically. For instance, crying is a physical expression, while depression is a psychological expression. It is very important to allow yourself to express these feelings. Often, death is a subject that is avoided, ignored or denied. At first it may seem helpful to separate yourself from the pain, but you cannot avoid grieving forever. Someday those feelings will need to be resolved or they may cause physical or emotional illness. Many people report physical symptoms that accompany grief. Stomach pain, loss of appetite, intestinal upsets, sleep disturbances and loss of energy are all common symptoms of acute grief. Of all life’s stresses, mourning can seriously test your natural defense systems. Existing illnesses may worsen or new conditions may develop. Profound emotional reactions may occur. These reactions include anxiety attacks, chronic fatigue, depression and thoughts of suicide. An obsession with the deceased is also a common reaction to death. * Dealing with a Major Loss The death of a loved one is always difficult. Your reactions are influenced by the circumstances of a death, particularly when it is sudden or accidental. Your reactions are also influenced by your relationship with the person who died. A child’s death arouses an overwhelming sense of injustice — for lost potential, unfulfilled dreams and senseless suffering. Parents may feel responsible for the child’s death, no matter how irrational that may seem. Parents may also feel that they have lost a vital part of their own identity. A spouse’s death is very traumatic. In addition to the severe emotional shock, the death may cause a potential financial crisis if the spouse was the family’s main income source. The death may necessitate major social adjustments requiring the surviving spouse to parent alone, adjust to single life and maybe even return to work. Elderly people may be especially vulnerable when they lose a spouse because it means losing a lifetime of shared experiences. At this time, feelings of loneliness may be compounded by the death of close friends. A loss due to suicide can be among the most difficult losses to bear. They may leave the survivors with a tremendous burden of guilt, anger and shame. Survivors may even feel responsible for the death. Seeking counseling during the first weeks after the suicide is particularly beneficial and advisable. Living with Grief Coping with death is vital to your mental health. It is only natural to experience grief when a loved one dies. The best thing you can do is allow yourself to grieve. There are many ways to cope effectively with your pain. * Seek out caring people. Find relatives and friends who can understand your feelings of loss. Join support groups with others who are experiencing similar losses. * Express your feelings. Tell others how you are feeling; it will help you to work through the grieving process. * Take care of your health. Maintain regular contact with your family physician and be sure to eat well and get plenty of rest. Be aware of the danger of developing a dependence on medication or alcohol to deal with your grief. * Accept that life is for the living. It takes effort to begin to live again in the present and not dwell on the past. * Postpone major life changes. Try to hold off on making any major changes, such as moving, remarrying, changing jobs or having another child. You should give yourself time to adjust to your loss. * Be patient. It can take months or even years to absorb a major loss and accept your changed life. * Seek outside help when necessary. If your grief seems like it is too much to bear, seek professional assistance to help work through your grief. It’s a sign of strength, not weakness, to seek help.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Women Empowerment

Empowerment has multiple, interrelated and interdependent dimensions- economic, social, cultural and political. It can be understood in relation to resources, perceptions, Relationship and power. But what does women empowerment mean? Women empowerment generally has five components : firstly, women's sense of self worth; secondly, their right to have the power of control their own lives, both within and outside home; and lastly, their ability to influence the direction of social change to create a just social and economic order nationally, internationally and universally. Educational attainment and economic participation are the key constituents in ensuring the empowerment of women. Other than educational and economic empowerment, changes in women's mobility and social interaction and changes in intra-household decision-making are necessary. We should not forget that history in a witness to the women who have in the past demonstrated unique leadership capabilities. Razia Sultana, Rani of Jhansi, Sarojini Naidu and Indira Gandhi are motivation examples of women empowerment. I would like to peep into the past when the stature of women as destroyed. They were in this way; they deprived women of their due place. Most men view themselves as being the superior life-form in society. They justify this belief by saying that they are stronger and more capable; thus, making those more qualified for the more important roles in society. Treated as chattel in the early Roman society. In France, they were termed as half-soul creatures responsible for the destruction of society. The Chinese considered them as devil's soul. Japanese men preferred to live unmarried lives But the truth is that women have advanced in all the areas. In India, the empowerment process has already begun. We are now witnessing a steady improvement in the enrollment of women in schools, colleges and even in profession institutes. Their health is better as compared to earlier decades. In this decade, women are entering into the job market in increasing numbers. They are showing their skills even in non-traditional sectors like police, defense, administration, media and research fields. But a lot of work has to be done as there is a category of women (who consider themselves highly educated) that proudly accepts that they don't have digital literacy even though they own a computer, they cannot even operate bank accounts or make travel arrangements for family or handle hospital admissions even during emergencies. Even for a simple task like social visits or shopping generally they need the company of their husbands. Dependent women are not empowered women. If modern women think that they are empowered, it's a myth for them . If women choose to be ignorant then all the efforts taken by the Government and women activists will go in vain. Even in twenty-fifth century, they will remain backward and will be paying a heavy price for their dependence, so, it is a wake-up call for women to awake from their deep slumber and understand the true meaning of their empowerment. In the end I would like to conclude with the following words, â€Å"Women as the motherhood of the nation should be strong, aware and alert†. Thank you The end Women empowerment Blob Writing Firstly, women can start a personal blob. It should cover a topic which Is directly related to their skills set. Once they acquire a decent number of readers and followers, they could begin to offer them their services related to their skills and charge a fee for It. Another option In blobbing as one of the top 10 home based businesses involves writing for another individual or company and earning a service fee in return. 2. Providing Professional Advice Women can offer paid advice related to their profession.This is one of the top 10 home based businesses because they do not need to worry about setting up their own online platform for this service. There are many websites which offer professional advice to Its customers by appointing a team of experts from various lines of work. They often have predetermined rates and commissions for their registered experts while others also keep them negotiable. 3. Book Publishing Publishing may sound Like the most Investment-demandin g option out of the other top 10 home based businesses.This does not hold true for online book publishing or content marketing. Some websites offer free registration to use their online publishing services while others charge a nominal amount. In the end, women can enjoy writing books on their favorite topics and set the prices themselves. Online book publishing is part of the top 10 home based businesses because it enables women to publish books only in the demanded quantity. 4. Designing Shoes Many fashion-savvy females have a creative sense which is often specific to items like hoes.The Ideas may come to them naturally but they may be unable to take up shoe-designing as a full-fledged career option. However, women should utilize different software to develop unique designs and sell them to small-sized shoe businesses along with the ownership right to the designs. It would be a mutually beneficial relationship. 5. Conducting Online Research More and more companies are relying on t he internet as an effective tool for conducting marketing research. Some of the benefits they find in this option Include access to geographically dispersed respondents, less time required, etc.This has given birth to the need for employing individuals to conduct the research. Women with an inquisitive nature often prefer this choice out of the different top 10 home based businesses. 6. Image Consultancy This line of work Involves assisting people who wish to achieve their goal of Improving their overall Image. This Is known to be a women-centric choice among the top 10 home based businesses. This field pertains to providing consultancy In different areas, such as grooming, styling, dressing, etc. Audio Typing investment of a computer and internet connection. In most cases, these facilities are already present which makes it a zero-investment alternative. Women can offer the services as a typist to reproduce provided audio files into a written format. Although typing speed would be a helpful skill, beginners could always commit to a deadline according to their skills and improve with time. 8. Affiliate Marketing For Affiliate Marketing as one of the top 10 home based businesses, women need to have their own website.It would allow them to associate with other businesses to pay them a commission when visitors to their websites are linked to purchase the company's products. 9. Online Teaching Teaching makes it to the list of top 10 home based businesses because the internet has made it possible to use it as a way to make money online at home. Women can provide interactive sessions to students for their daily homework while offer topic- wise teaching through video tutorials. 10. Writing Guides Writing guides are one of the top 10 home based businesses suitable for women cause they often have a wide knowledge base on different topics. Women empowerment â€Å"Why I Believe in Women Empowerment† Ages ago, women only had limited opportunities in life. Usual connotation of a woman is the one who does household chores. But nowadays, it may mean offensive to women because their abilities and capabilities to do other things are under estimated. The current generation of women is considered empowered. When we say empower, this means that there is an authority given to somebody, thus, that authority will make the person more confident and assertive. I believe in women empowerment because I think as a woman, I should be treated equally with man.Also, being a scholar with wisdom, I speak the truth without doubt or hesitation giving me a sense of empowerment. Because of this, I have greater choices and chances to explore, learn and expose myself in all walks of life which will be beneficial not only to me but also to others. I want to portray an ideal member of the society. Because of having respect and self confidence, I can do things possible and excel with my outmost dedication to work. Women can perform task that a man can do but outshining them is not our goal instead, living harmoniously with them is our desire.Also, women empowerment is not destruction to man's self-esteem and ego. We work not to prove that we can do better than a man but to complement what a man can do. Being one of the empowered women, I clearly understood my worth. That's why I was able to look at the world as a place where I can freely express who I am and what I believe, making me surrounded with people who honor, love, and respect me as I honor, love, and respect myself. Therefore, women empowerment should be realized by every girl to achieve a successful and fulfilled life. Women empowerment Blob Writing Firstly, women can start a personal blob. It should cover a topic which Is directly related to their skills set. Once they acquire a decent number of readers and followers, they could begin to offer them their services related to their skills and charge a fee for It. Another option In blobbing as one of the top 10 home based businesses involves writing for another individual or company and earning a service fee in return. 2. Providing Professional Advice Women can offer paid advice related to their profession.This is one of the top 10 home based businesses because they do not need to worry about setting up their own online platform for this service. There are many websites which offer professional advice to Its customers by appointing a team of experts from various lines of work. They often have predetermined rates and commissions for their registered experts while others also keep them negotiable. 3. Book Publishing Publishing may sound Like the most Investment-demandin g option out of the other top 10 home based businesses.This does not hold true for online book publishing or content marketing. Some websites offer free registration to use their online publishing services while others charge a nominal amount. In the end, women can enjoy writing books on their favorite topics and set the prices themselves. Online book publishing is part of the top 10 home based businesses because it enables women to publish books only in the demanded quantity. 4. Designing Shoes Many fashion-savvy females have a creative sense which is often specific to items like hoes.The Ideas may come to them naturally but they may be unable to take up shoe-designing as a full-fledged career option. However, women should utilize different software to develop unique designs and sell them to small-sized shoe businesses along with the ownership right to the designs. It would be a mutually beneficial relationship. 5. Conducting Online Research More and more companies are relying on t he internet as an effective tool for conducting marketing research. Some of the benefits they find in this option Include access to geographically dispersed respondents, less time required, etc.This has given birth to the need for employing individuals to conduct the research. Women with an inquisitive nature often prefer this choice out of the different top 10 home based businesses. 6. Image Consultancy This line of work Involves assisting people who wish to achieve their goal of Improving their overall Image. This Is known to be a women-centric choice among the top 10 home based businesses. This field pertains to providing consultancy In different areas, such as grooming, styling, dressing, etc. Audio Typing investment of a computer and internet connection. In most cases, these facilities are already present which makes it a zero-investment alternative. Women can offer the services as a typist to reproduce provided audio files into a written format. Although typing speed would be a helpful skill, beginners could always commit to a deadline according to their skills and improve with time. 8. Affiliate Marketing For Affiliate Marketing as one of the top 10 home based businesses, women need to have their own website.It would allow them to associate with other businesses to pay them a commission when visitors to their websites are linked to purchase the company's products. 9. Online Teaching Teaching makes it to the list of top 10 home based businesses because the internet has made it possible to use it as a way to make money online at home. Women can provide interactive sessions to students for their daily homework while offer topic- wise teaching through video tutorials. 10. Writing Guides Writing guides are one of the top 10 home based businesses suitable for women cause they often have a wide knowledge base on different topics. Women Empowerment Empowerment has multiple, interrelated and interdependent dimensions- economic, social, cultural and political. It can be understood in relation to resources, perceptions, Relationship and power. But what does women empowerment mean? Women empowerment generally has five components : firstly, women's sense of self worth; secondly, their right to have the power of control their own lives, both within and outside home; and lastly, their ability to influence the direction of social change to create a just social and economic order nationally, internationally and universally. Educational attainment and economic participation are the key constituents in ensuring the empowerment of women. Other than educational and economic empowerment, changes in women's mobility and social interaction and changes in intra-household decision-making are necessary. We should not forget that history in a witness to the women who have in the past demonstrated unique leadership capabilities. Razia Sultana, Rani of Jhansi, Sarojini Naidu and Indira Gandhi are motivation examples of women empowerment. I would like to peep into the past when the stature of women as destroyed. They were in this way; they deprived women of their due place. Most men view themselves as being the superior life-form in society. They justify this belief by saying that they are stronger and more capable; thus, making those more qualified for the more important roles in society. Treated as chattel in the early Roman society. In France, they were termed as half-soul creatures responsible for the destruction of society. The Chinese considered them as devil's soul. Japanese men preferred to live unmarried lives But the truth is that women have advanced in all the areas. In India, the empowerment process has already begun. We are now witnessing a steady improvement in the enrollment of women in schools, colleges and even in profession institutes. Their health is better as compared to earlier decades. In this decade, women are entering into the job market in increasing numbers. They are showing their skills even in non-traditional sectors like police, defense, administration, media and research fields. But a lot of work has to be done as there is a category of women (who consider themselves highly educated) that proudly accepts that they don't have digital literacy even though they own a computer, they cannot even operate bank accounts or make travel arrangements for family or handle hospital admissions even during emergencies. Even for a simple task like social visits or shopping generally they need the company of their husbands. Dependent women are not empowered women. If modern women think that they are empowered, it's a myth for them . If women choose to be ignorant then all the efforts taken by the Government and women activists will go in vain. Even in twenty-fifth century, they will remain backward and will be paying a heavy price for their dependence, so, it is a wake-up call for women to awake from their deep slumber and understand the true meaning of their empowerment. In the end I would like to conclude with the following words, â€Å"Women as the motherhood of the nation should be strong, aware and alert†. Thank you The end Women empowerment Blob Writing Firstly, women can start a personal blob. It should cover a topic which Is directly related to their skills set. Once they acquire a decent number of readers and followers, they could begin to offer them their services related to their skills and charge a fee for It. Another option In blobbing as one of the top 10 home based businesses involves writing for another individual or company and earning a service fee in return. 2. Providing Professional Advice Women can offer paid advice related to their profession.This is one of the top 10 home based businesses because they do not need to worry about setting up their own online platform for this service. There are many websites which offer professional advice to Its customers by appointing a team of experts from various lines of work. They often have predetermined rates and commissions for their registered experts while others also keep them negotiable. 3. Book Publishing Publishing may sound Like the most Investment-demandin g option out of the other top 10 home based businesses.This does not hold true for online book publishing or content marketing. Some websites offer free registration to use their online publishing services while others charge a nominal amount. In the end, women can enjoy writing books on their favorite topics and set the prices themselves. Online book publishing is part of the top 10 home based businesses because it enables women to publish books only in the demanded quantity. 4. Designing Shoes Many fashion-savvy females have a creative sense which is often specific to items like hoes.The Ideas may come to them naturally but they may be unable to take up shoe-designing as a full-fledged career option. However, women should utilize different software to develop unique designs and sell them to small-sized shoe businesses along with the ownership right to the designs. It would be a mutually beneficial relationship. 5. Conducting Online Research More and more companies are relying on t he internet as an effective tool for conducting marketing research. Some of the benefits they find in this option Include access to geographically dispersed respondents, less time required, etc.This has given birth to the need for employing individuals to conduct the research. Women with an inquisitive nature often prefer this choice out of the different top 10 home based businesses. 6. Image Consultancy This line of work Involves assisting people who wish to achieve their goal of Improving their overall Image. This Is known to be a women-centric choice among the top 10 home based businesses. This field pertains to providing consultancy In different areas, such as grooming, styling, dressing, etc. Audio Typing investment of a computer and internet connection. In most cases, these facilities are already present which makes it a zero-investment alternative. Women can offer the services as a typist to reproduce provided audio files into a written format. Although typing speed would be a helpful skill, beginners could always commit to a deadline according to their skills and improve with time. 8. Affiliate Marketing For Affiliate Marketing as one of the top 10 home based businesses, women need to have their own website.It would allow them to associate with other businesses to pay them a commission when visitors to their websites are linked to purchase the company's products. 9. Online Teaching Teaching makes it to the list of top 10 home based businesses because the internet has made it possible to use it as a way to make money online at home. Women can provide interactive sessions to students for their daily homework while offer topic- wise teaching through video tutorials. 10. Writing Guides Writing guides are one of the top 10 home based businesses suitable for women cause they often have a wide knowledge base on different topics. Women Empowerment Empowerment has multiple, interrelated and interdependent dimensions- economic, social, cultural and political. It can be understood in relation to resources, perceptions, Relationship and power. But what does women empowerment mean? Women empowerment generally has five components : firstly, women's sense of self worth; secondly, their right to have the power of control their own lives, both within and outside home; and lastly, their ability to influence the direction of social change to create a just social and economic order nationally, internationally and universally. Educational attainment and economic participation are the key constituents in ensuring the empowerment of women. Other than educational and economic empowerment, changes in women's mobility and social interaction and changes in intra-household decision-making are necessary. We should not forget that history in a witness to the women who have in the past demonstrated unique leadership capabilities. Razia Sultana, Rani of Jhansi, Sarojini Naidu and Indira Gandhi are motivation examples of women empowerment. I would like to peep into the past when the stature of women as destroyed. They were in this way; they deprived women of their due place. Most men view themselves as being the superior life-form in society. They justify this belief by saying that they are stronger and more capable; thus, making those more qualified for the more important roles in society. Treated as chattel in the early Roman society. In France, they were termed as half-soul creatures responsible for the destruction of society. The Chinese considered them as devil's soul. Japanese men preferred to live unmarried lives But the truth is that women have advanced in all the areas. In India, the empowerment process has already begun. We are now witnessing a steady improvement in the enrollment of women in schools, colleges and even in profession institutes. Their health is better as compared to earlier decades. In this decade, women are entering into the job market in increasing numbers. They are showing their skills even in non-traditional sectors like police, defense, administration, media and research fields. But a lot of work has to be done as there is a category of women (who consider themselves highly educated) that proudly accepts that they don't have digital literacy even though they own a computer, they cannot even operate bank accounts or make travel arrangements for family or handle hospital admissions even during emergencies. Even for a simple task like social visits or shopping generally they need the company of their husbands. Dependent women are not empowered women. If modern women think that they are empowered, it's a myth for them . If women choose to be ignorant then all the efforts taken by the Government and women activists will go in vain. Even in twenty-fifth century, they will remain backward and will be paying a heavy price for their dependence, so, it is a wake-up call for women to awake from their deep slumber and understand the true meaning of their empowerment. In the end I would like to conclude with the following words, â€Å"Women as the motherhood of the nation should be strong, aware and alert†. Thank you The end

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Autobiographical story Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Autobiographical story - Essay Example The conversations go on with more lies and chest thumping with juvenile descriptions of their dreams and fantasies. I was always the quite one in my clique. I shared my room with my younger brother and could not even mount pictures of my favorite female celebrities. I remember getting an old copy of Playboy from one of the boys in the group. It was difficult hiding it. I perused through the pages and before my brother or nosy sister could coming knocking on the door, I had tossed it out of the window. Fortunately, we lived in a flat, and no one could easily trace the trash to my room the following day. I remained aloof most of the time watching cartoon with my brother. I fitted the group simply because I had a beautiful older sister that most boys in the school admired. A perfect opportunity presented itself two days before my seventeenth birthday. The class had taken a trip out of the city to a zoo. Talks about girl and alcohol had beginning taking their toll on me. Every time we sat or met at the group, Tony, who claimed most of the experience, would introduce a topic charismatically. The topic would easily degenerate into a detailed description of his sex escapades and how much the girls loved him. I would look on fantasizing and wishing I were the one. From the groups, I would spend most of my time in bed or the bathroom ruminating and reliving Tony’s vivid description. I longed for the day I would remain alone with my dream girl. The trip to the zoo out of the city was that perfect opportunity. Tony suggested that we needed to contribute about one hundred and twenty dollars with which to buy refreshments. From the grim on his face, it was obvious what he meant. I was among the first boys in the group to contribute. I even contributed fo r some of my friends who could have otherwise either taken longer or hoped out of the plan. On the bus, I luckily sat next to Lucie, the most beautiful

Friday, September 27, 2019

Business Ethics Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words - 1

Business Ethics - Essay Example People also differ on how businesses should approach diversity efforts. Some say that firms should manage diversity for legal compliance, while others assert for greater proactive initiatives (Eagley and Carli 110; Sandel 169). I believe that businesses should go beyond following laws that prohibit discrimination, and instead, they should exceed the requirements of the law and actively encourage diversity as the new ethical business strategy, because promoting diversity is a â€Å"common good† and provides multiple benefits for concerned stakeholders. Businesses have a moral obligation to promote diversity as a common good. Firms understandably aim to reduce costs and maximize profits, because those are some of the obvious purposes of having a business. Companies aim to turn profits, so that they can grow either locally or internationally and improve shareholder wealth. However, past and present experiences have shown that these goals should not be the only aims of businesses, because they should also be held accountable for the social, economic, environmental, cultural, and political consequences of their actions. They should be aware that the Machiavellian principle is not always ethical; not all means justify the end. For instance, it is not right to prefer promoting male candidates, because of the belied that women are often divided between family and work roles and responsibilities, and so they may be less reliable than men. It is not also right to hire female workers and pay them less than male counterparts, so that the company can save money. Companies should also be responsible for promoting and contributing to the â€Å"common good† and they can do this through seeing diversity as an ethical business strategy for their good and the good of society. The common good represents what is good for the society in general and not only for individuals. In Chapter 7, Sandel argues for affirmative action. He stresses that affirmative action can serv e the common good, because it corrects the testing gap, balances the wrongs of the past, and supports diversity (169). There is evidence that standardized tests are possibly biased. The Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT) and other standardized tests are disputed for not being able to accurately predict academic and professional success, as well as measure different forms of intelligence (Sandel 169). Martin Luther King, Jr. had mediocre scores on the Graduate Record Exam (GRE) and even scored below average in verbal aptitude (Sandel 169). Studies also show that African Americans and Hispanics generally score lower than white students in standardized tests and scholars argue that test scores should also be properly interpreted in the context of the students’ social, family, cultural, and educational conditions (Sandel 169). In the same way, firms should also promote diversity, because standardized HR practices and measures are not always fair to minorities. In â€Å"Women and the Labyrinth of Leadership,† Eagley and Carli describe the labyrinth of challenges for women in and vying for leadership positions. They reveal that only 6% of the top positions in corporations on the Fortune 500 list belong to women with only 2% holding the position of CEO (Eagley and Carli 105). They argue that the main causes of gender gap in leadership positions are not the â€Å"glass ceilings,† but because organizations have created a â€Å"labyrinth† for female employees. Firms can address this by changing norms, values, and

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Lesson plan on Identifying Synonyms Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 1

Lesson plan on Identifying Synonyms - Coursework Example 2. Prompt students to think of other pairs of words that mean the same thing. Write these synonyms on sentence strips, and cut them apart so that you have one word for each student in the class. If students are having difficulty thinking of synonyms, give them one of these words and prompt them to think of a synonym: big/huge, tiny/small, scared/afraid, cute/pretty, rock/stone, loud/noisy, sofa/couch, dinner/supper, store/market, lady/woman, rug/carpet, yell/scream, finish/end, start/begin, quick/fast. 3. Shuffle the words. Explain to students that they will be going on a synonym hunt and that each of them will receive a card with a word on it that they must not look at until they are told. The object of the game is for each student to move around the room and find his/her partner, who has a word that means the same thing. When students find their partners, they should sit down. The game is over when each student has found a partner. To begin, fold each word in half so that the word cannot be seen and give one word to each student. When each student has a card say, â€Å"Let the hunt begin!† 5. As a fun follow-up activity or one to incorporate into the lesson, have students make their own puppets with various facial expressions. They can create puppet skits with partners or groups and think of synonyms. I decided to get someone from the crowd and get to know their feelings. From the line, I encountered Sofia Contreras, a housewife. She was very excited to be part of the event and was sure that the beauty store is a good initiative for the whole town. Prepare sentences with words underlined, and have students select a synonym from a word box for the underlined word in each sentence. For example, have students choose from among the words huge, fast, couch, small, and large to select synonyms for the

Research Question Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Research Question - Essay Example Contacting the facilities will also enable easy reach to counselors who employ the target treatment models to treat clients with conduct disorders. Selection of the participant samples will rely on the volition of every individual (Bordens & Abbott, 2014). There will be no compulsion or enticement of any person to participate. This statement is to mean that there will be payments or promise of any gains to induce the samples into participating in the research. To select the clients or victims of conduct disorders, counselors working in the correctional and counseling resource centers will have to disclose or allow access to the individuals. Since doing so without consent of the clients under treatment is unethical, the researcher will have to rely on two options. One of the options is for the counselors to consult with the clients to know who is willing to participate in the research. The clients who express their willingness to participate will have consented for disclosure of name and details to the researcher before the actual contact. Another option is for the counselors to share details of clients treated in the past and expressed willingness to sensitize communities and conduct campaigns to encourage children and adolescents to respect rules set at homes and school (Bordens & Abbott, 2014). Undoubtedly, a person who involves in sensitization of communities about conduct disorders after having recovered from similar conditions have l ittle or no problem being disclosed. This view is due to the fact the past clients involving in sensitization will have to present selves as examples to give first-hand information to the audiences to believe the facts presented about the conditions. Prior to beginning the actual study, it is important to obtain informed consent from the target samples. The researcher will consider written and

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Communication within an Organization Term Paper

Communication within an Organization - Term Paper Example To achieve this, teamwork should be established between doctors, nurses and other health professionals concerned with the provision of health services. Such team work entails effective communication. However, due to organizational and personality factors that bring about more issues such as the hierarchal positioning of hospital personnel, scheduling, and the management of multiple tasks, among others, communication within the organization usually suffers. This is emphasized further in multidisciplinary cases wherein health professionals from various fields work on a case. Transfer of knowledge from one professional to another may be impaired due to a host of factors. Personal Communication Human beings communicate their thoughts and feelings to one another in verbal and non-verbal ways. Verbal communication, or speaking out to another person is often accompanied by non-verbal language which includes facial expressions, gestures, posture, body language and tone of voice. Sometimes, s uch non-verbal expressions say more than the verbalizations of a person. The way one communicates and receives information matters much in the quality of relationships he or she has with others. Effective communication takes practice and hard work especially for those who are not skilled in interpersonal relations. Several factors need to be considered when communicating: age, gender, relationship to the person, nature of the communication exchange, temperament and personality and even culture. The adage â€Å"Actions speak louder than words† rings true in a variety of situations. In the workplace, people manifest explicit verbal communication and implicit, non-verbal communication (Lee, 2008). Explicit verbal communication takes the form of direct reprimands or written memos to delinquent workers. Implicit, non-verbal communication is more action-oriented. An example is a boss deliberately showing a delinquent worker that he is taking over the tasks formerly assigned to the worker. The boss may not say anything, but the message comes across very clear to the worker that his inefficiency is noted by the boss. In times of conflict, the impact of implicit, nonverbal communication and explicit, verbal communication (that is, the written norm) is never equal. The more visible and stark the image, the more effective the message is delivered and received. Lee (2008) gives the example of a Fortune 500 chief executive choosing to lunch spontaneously in the cafeteria with employees he has never met. He approaches them and asks for their perspective on street-level obstacles to strategic execution. A little while later, he begins to take notes on the back of an old envelope. His action of lunching with ground-level employees communicates the message that he values ideas of his people no matter what position they have in the company. His non-verbal language goes way beyond body language, facial expression and vocal intonation. To sum up, verbal and nonverbal inter actions play a part in the effective exchange of ideas. LeFebvre (2008) advises that when speaking, one must also be aware of body language and tone and inflection of voice. She notes that different ideas may be conveyed by simply emphasizing different parts of the statement. Being an active listener helps one understand the message being

Monday, September 23, 2019

English Contract Law situational question Essay

English Contract Law situational question - Essay Example Lastly, this paper will establish whether is a liability on the part of owed to University of Warwick on promissory estoppels. According to the agreement the contract was to be performed by 1 September, 2013. However, created a software that served only five functions but could not manage to create task V. Through the concept promissory estoppels a non-contractual promise that lacks consideration can be rendered executable to prevent an injustice2. The University made an ultimatum of four weeks for the remaining task to be accomplished failure to which the contract would be terminated but wanted more time. had a duty to make sure that the software was complete in four weeks through the non-contractual promise made by the institution that the contract will be terminated if the software is not delivered. Therefore, the University has a right to claim to claim for expense wastage in hiring to develop the software because the company spent 1.5 Million pounds to buy an alternative software after the system that was created backfired. This decision can be similar to the case in CCC Films ( London) Ltd v Impact Quadrant Films Ltd3 the judge allowed the petitioner to abandon its petition for loss of profits at the last phase of the trial and to replace the petition for a claim for expenditure wasted. The interpretation of the judge was that the case as allowing the defendant to provide proof, the burden rested on the case. It was reasoned that part of the expenses would have been consumed in any occurrence since the bargain was often going to be a loss event. The loss in this case was the cost incurred by the University to buy the alternate software and the cost incurred in the compensation of the students for exposure of their confidential information. Besides in this scenario, has a burden to prove that their contract was terminated prematurely and hence amounted to wrongful termination. In spite of

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Philosophy and the law Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Philosophy and the law - Essay Example Various schools of thoughts have been suggested to dissect and explain the phenomenon of crime and the effect of punishment on the criminal mind. What leads a person to commit a crime, and even reoffend, despite the specter of punishment hanging over his head like the sword of Damocles? In the hypothetical case of Mickey McHeinous, the question of whether a criminal who has committed the most heinous of crimes and as a consequence suffered unbearable guilt as a consequence of his acts should be punished is being presented for consideration. There is no question that Mickey McHeinous should still be punished for his crimes not only to set a cut-and-dried example to others that crime always begets punishment but primarily because society must be protected from the harm that he might still commit. Guilt, and its physical and physiological consequences, is not enough justification to spare him from punishment because it does not ensure that he will not repeat the commission of the same c rime. The oldest and enduring concept of crime is that it is largely retributive. A criminal is sentenced to punishment that corresponds to the weight of his crime. This is to impress upon the criminal that crime does not pay and his evil deeds against any member of society will not go unpunished. Mickey McHeinous might be physically and psychologically suffering from his crimes but this does not justify sparing him from society’s punishment. Punishment as a retribution is not only a reassertion of the biblical concept of â€Å"an eye for an eye; a tooth for a tooth† but it is also a representation of justice. It is not only Mickey McHeinous that suffers from his crimes, but society as well – more so, in fact because they are the victims. Why should the law favor him by sparing him from punishment and turn a deaf ear on the rest lived by the rules and did no harm

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Sociological perspective Essay Example for Free

Sociological perspective Essay Marxism, Functionalism and Feminism are sociological theories alongside several others, they are fundamental to the whole discipline of sociology. Functionalism is a structural theory they argue that society is made up of interrelated and interdependent institutions such as education, work, religion, law, the family etc. The main function of these institutions is to maintain social equilibrium. They see society similar to a human body with all the internal parts working together to bring out equilibrium. Functionalists see individual action as the product of social institutions such as the family and education socializing the young into cultural values and norms, this means people believe in much the same thing and consequently their actions and patterns are predictable. Durkheim believed the very core of society is it values which are passed on and reinforced by family, school religion etc. Individuals behave similarly in the same social context because they have been socialized into the same cultural rules and goals. However Functionalist see institutions such as education and work organizations allocating people to roles in which they would make an effective contribution to the day to day running of society, they believe there is a class system and people gain their job, money etc through their own merit. Therefore functionalists believe human action is shaped and controlled by social forces such as value consensus and the need to maintain social order, beyond the individuals control , they results on this conformity is social stability and the reproduction of society generation by generation. However it is argued that functionalists over emphasis consensus and order, and play down conflict. They tend to focus on functions or benefits of social institutions and consequently neglect the dysfunctions or harm that institutions can cause. Marxism is a macro approach based on a conflict between capital and wage labour. Society splits into an infrastructure (economic base) and  superstructure (social institutions). Ideology (distorted beliefs) is transmitted through the superstructure to justify inequalities. Marx focused on the inequalities of capitalism. In capitalist society, the bourgeoisie own the means of production (own large amounts of capital and therefore have power), whereas the proletariat sell their labour power for a wage. This is where the conflict rests. The system dictates that the ruling class generates more profit (achieved by decreasing wages). Overtime, the worsening of conditions, exploitation and lowering of wages results in a situation where the working class become aware of their class position and unite in a state of revolutionary consciousness. Revolution is, therefore, inevitable. Gramsci argues that middle class maintain dominance by using the government to persuade people, and also by propagating ideologies ( continuously feeding ideas so dey grow strength through things like media, churches, schools and family in order to win peoples consent. For the middle class to be ideologically dominant these ideologies need to be tied in to the popular culture of working class. The extent to which such hegemony is achieved varies over time but its unlikely 2 ever be complete. There are two reasons for dis. firstly middle class are often divided and secondly the proletariat as a dual consciousness. One part which reflects the ideas of the middle class and the other which reflects their everyday experiences. He believes the proletariat to make alliances with other groups for Marxists to win the hearts and minds of subordinate classes by connecting Marxist ideas to popular culture. Hes optimistic that the struggle for hegemony. People will eventually be persuaded of the need for a revolution. For Frankfurt school theirs two main characteristics which distinguish humans from animals- the ability to transform the environment and the ability to make a rational decision about our lives. Capitalists societies dont allow humans to exercise their creativity and reason and thus warrant criticisms 4 being unfair n unreasonable. He agrees with Gramisci that attention needs to  be paid to ideologies which are integrating people into capitalists system. Two developments are highlighted as crucial here- the growth on instrumental reasons whichs seen as the dominant way of thinking in a capitalist society and the development of mass culture. Peoples acceptance of instrumental reasons is explained by Frankfurt school in terms of developments of mass culture. It reached the mass of population through media The Frankfurt school comes to a negative conclusion- people are dominated not only at work but also in their leisure. The over riding picture is of society as a mass of isolated individuals who are manipulated by big business. Their seems to be no way out. It has been argued that Marxists put too much emphasis on conflict. Capitalism has improved the standard of living working class. It may be that the working class are aware of inequality and exploitation but they feel that their standard of living compensates for this. So they may therefore actively choose to go to work despite this knowledge. They have also been criticized for economic reductionism i.e. reducing behaviour to class relationships. They may neglect the fact that social behaviour can also be influenced by religious, patriarchal, nationalism and ethnic structures. Interactionalists focus upon the way in which individuals (or social actors as Interactionists like to call them) consciously act rather than simply react to social stimulation. The way in which different social actors interpret the behaviour of others is significant as a means of understanding the way in which the world is socially constructed. This social construction of the world is focused upon the meanings people give to behaviour and the way in which they interpret the meaning of behaviour. Mead argued that whilst we are each conscious, thinking, individuals, the way in which we choose to behave is conditioned by the social context of that behaviour. In this, he said that our behaviour as individuals is conditioned by two aspects of our self-awareness (that is, the ability to see ourselves as others see us). A) The I aspect which largely consists of spontaneous actions and B) The Me aspect which consists of an awareness  of how other people expect us to behave at any given moment. The I and the Me are parallel parts of what Mead called The Self and it is the ability of human beings to develop a self-concept that makes us different to most animals. In animals, for example, the I is dominant (to the almost total exclusion of the Me in most animals). This means, in effect, that most animal behaviour is instinct-based rather than socially-constructed. In humans, on the other hand, the reverse is true. The Me is dominant to the almost total exclusion of the I. This means, in effect, that most human behaviour is socially-constructed rather than instinct-based.

Friday, September 20, 2019

P.E.S.T analysis of social media marketing

P.E.S.T analysis of social media marketing In order to analysis the macro environmental challenges that could influence social media marketing, the research conducted by keynote will be applied. Amongst the economic factors influencing social media marketing is the digitial economy act developed in 2010. This was designed as an attempt to control illegal sharing of files. Since, social networking sties easily enable users to share and broadcast content, many users have made attempts of claiming copyright. Regulations Last year, an amendment, covering every means of online marketing communications, was made in extension to the regulatory framework which already covers online advertisements. The intention behind this is to ensure Economic factors A number of factors have had an impact on the increased investment in social media in terms of marketing. One major factor consists of the economic crisis having decreased budget for traditional marketing channels. Another factor is comprised of increasing growth and popularity of social networking. This has led marketers to engage with their audience through social media. A further challenge is imposed by the excessive investment in social networking companies as dependence on advertising may be influenced by the current economic crisis. Social factors The social media being highly dependent on the existing trends in consumers preferences, there is a great risk of those users switching their preferences. An example of such is the change from MySpace to Facebook. Technological factors As social networking has become an integrated part of online experience in terms of search as well as integrated digital marketing with regards to advertising, users may seek solutions and assistance Task2. Media reporting -the influence of social media marketing The included reports shed light on the rapid growth and trends in social media marketing, and propose unprecedented ways whereby organizations can exploit the existing trends of social media and mark their presence. Marketers Mine Facebook, Twiiter Posts to Duck Brand Snafus The author suggest that rather than aiming to generate impressions amongst audience members, an organization should exert positive and convincing influence on social webs citizens. Subsequently, these users will spread the message to other people. This is also recognized as word of mouth marketing (Flinn, 2010). Conversely, the author further argues that poor management of online marketing can backfire and generate negative consequence which will spread online. Thus, it can be argued that importance of word of mouth and viral marketing are likely to increase which is why investment in these tools are necessarily. In particular, Word of Mouth management is needed in order to avoid negative referrals that could damage a given companies reputation or image. Additionally, it is suggested that an online presence can help companies avoid product disasters. Also, it is argued that Facebook, Twitter and blogs are adequate tools that can enable companies to get an insight in the consumers thi nking process. Social media are changing the rules for business This report suggests the increasing usage of social media marketing can assist companies to build their brand, expand their target reach and relationship to their customers. This report further argues that organizations reputations are being constantly formed and a company may risk losing their customer based on social network sites. Hence, it could be argued that Social Media Marketing should be integrated in the overall communication plan. Additionally, it is suggest that companies who do not adopt social media marketing and rely on traditional means of marketing may risk losing or damaging their image. Therefore, it is suggested that they might as well take part and make themselves visible. Furthermore, the report suggest that online media enables companies to involve their customers in creating new products or services through their feedback. Task 2. Personal SWOT analysis Task 4. Remaning flexible Dear Peter, Please find enclosed a proposal of my request for telecommute. As you may notice, this issue is of crucial importance for me. I hope you will welcome my ideas of establishing a balance between what could prove beneficiary for the department as well as enabling me to deal with my personal issues. I would request for a 60-day trial period, with the possibility of mid-way evaluation after the first month and at the end of the period to assess the functionality. If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to ask me. Thank for taking my request into consideration. Work from Home Proposal I have been employed at FDM for 2 years and I am very devoted to the quality of my work. Lately, I have been finding it extremely difficult to cope with some family issues, which have been intensified as a result of my full-time work. In addition, my commute time of 90 minutes from Holbaek makes it difficult for me to address the needs of my family issues. Therefore, I would like to request for two days, where I can work from home. Having reviewed the other teams attendance in the department, Fridays and Mondays, would be appropriate. I believe that my productivity will increase, as I no longer have to commute, which will improve my performance. This will also mean that you do not need to pay for commuting expenses. In addition, this will contribute to my job satisfaction as I will find a balance between my job and family. I will have my laptop and phone nearby so I can be easily reached. I would like to discuss my proposal in further detail and address any potential concerns that you may have. I understand that due to your responsibility of the organization, you must determine whether or not this is appropriate in terms of achieving the goals for the office. As most of my responsibilities require working with online activities my telecommuting is less likely to make the quality of work suffer. The following represent potential impact of my telecommuting on the department and may entail the following: Issue: The departments development and implementation of communication strategy may require additional Solution: I will keep John updated with my suggestions and ask him to send me the brief of strategies that have been discussed in the department Issue: Management of social media communities Solution: This would require online presence, which is less likely to be an issue Issue: Producing reports on online activities; feedback, key issues, insights and trends Solution: I would like to ask Helen if she is willing to assist me with this while I do her parts of the online activities. Issue: Identify online threats and opportunities surrounding the brand Solution: I spent 20% of my time on assessing the threats and opportunities. If you decide that Helen would be an appropriate person to handle the feedbacks, I believe she would be capable of handling this in addition to her duties. Task. 5 Making a positive impression on potential employers Online Marketing Assistant Marketing Communications Assistant International Online Marketing Social Media Guru I am currently eligibile for the above listed positions, which can be attributed to the fact that I do not have adequate work experience within social media marketing, which is why I would be eligible for positions such as online and offline marketing assistant, Marketing Communications Assistant or International Online Marketing Social Media Guru. Social media manager-future goal In order to be qualified for the this position, an experience of 3-4 years is essential. I believe that the most adequate way of gaining the experience is through an apprenticeship which can give me an insight into how social media manager deals with various tasks and how they enable small business gain a competitive advantage by building their unique image through social media. While gaining the experience I aim to develop my skills in terms of developing and enhancing my network, management, . Help people promote themselves through varius social media plat forms such as: Twitter, Facebook, Linkedin. Gain competencies that can help me assist plans for small business and how they rather than investing in traditional means of promoting. In demand job due to the current credit crunch and the increasing popularity of social media. What I can contribute with is my experience and knowledge This can also be identified as marketing strategy that I blieve that building your career is a matter of timing and right now is the perfect timing for building a career within social media. I believe I can achieve this position not only on the basis of my degree in Marketing but also my bachelors degree in Internatinal communications. Moodboard description The moodboard represents how I perceive myself and my future goals. Firstly, I have used an eagle as to me it represents independency, determination and leadership. The clock resents my punctuality and the importance of timing. Flexibility is one of the key words which describe my personality. The fly on the bike: I believe almost any goal is achievable if one possess will power and determination. Teamwork: The golden guy represents teamwork and The woman running towards the arrows, represents my willingness of going against the odds. The house in the middle of the sea: represents doing what may appear impossible. The gold picture symbolizes my will to achieve the results by motivating others and being a teamplayers.

Thursday, September 19, 2019

The Holocaust :: Holocaust Essays, The Nazis

When I visited the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum, I was sickened to learn of horrifying Nazi activities intended to improve the Aryan race and to learn about the human body.ï ¿ ½ While many people are aware that the Nazis had these goals, most are uninformed of the means used to reach them.ï ¿ ½ I was also ignorant of the extent of their attempts to establish themselves as ideal specimens of the human race.ï ¿ ½ They used many unforgivable methods to accomplish these aims, some of which were revealed to me during my visit to the museum. The Nazis attempted to create a master race through both vicious and less cruel means.ï ¿ ½ Before my visit to the museum, I was unaware that the Nazis had a program for forced sterilization for those who had genetic disorders or any traits that were undesirable to be passed down hereditarily (Holocaust Museum).ï ¿ ½ These included the mentally ill, the blind, the deaf, those with severe physical abnormalities, serious alcoholics, and Germans that were half-African (Holocaust Museum).ï ¿ ½ The sterilization of these people was legalized by the Law for the Prevention of Genetically Diseased Offspring, which took effect in 1933 (ï ¿ ½Deadly Medicineï ¿ ½).ï ¿ ½ Cases were heard by courts, but the vast majority of cases ended in the order to sterilize (ï ¿ ½Deadly Medicineï ¿ ½).ï ¿ ½ It is estimated that 300,000 Germans were forcibly sterilized by Nazi demand (Holocaust Museum).ï ¿ ½ Similar programs were in effect elsewhere in the world, including the United States (ï ¿ ½De adly Medicineï ¿ ½).ï ¿ ½ A law was implemented in Virginia allowing forced sterilization of ï ¿ ½feeblemindedï ¿ ½ people, and it was judged legal by the Supreme Court (ï ¿ ½Deadly Medicineï ¿ ½).ï ¿ ½ Euthanasia was also used by the Nazis to eliminate these people, even children (ï ¿ ½Deadly Medicineï ¿ ½).ï ¿ ½ Parents of the euthanized children were told that they had died from other causes, even though the children were murdered in hospitals (ï ¿ ½Deadly Medicineï ¿ ½).ï ¿ ½ Less severe methods of creating a perfect race included the Nuremberg Laws, which outlawed marriages between Jews and Germans, and the encouragement of large Aryan families with the ï ¿ ½Honor Cross of German Motherhood,ï ¿ ½ where mothers of four or more were given medals (ï ¿ ½Deadly Medicineï ¿ ½).ï ¿ ½ I was stunned to learn the extent of the Nazisï ¿ ½ actions that were intended to create a perfect race, and I was sickened to think that the Nazis might have committed further crimes s uch as these that are still unknown to the public. The Nazis also performed cruel medical experiments on Jewish prisoners, both living and dead.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Peter the Great :: History, Informative

PETER THE GREAT Peter the Great born on May 30, 1672. He shared power with his brother from 1682, but when Ivan died in 1696, Peter was officially declared Sovereign of all Russia. Peter was important because he wasn’t just any ruler, he created a regular army and navy. During his reign the Russian military increased from around 30,000 men in 1695, to about 300,000 men in 1725, and that included the newly formed navy. He completely changed the government into a bureaucratic state with its capital in St. Petersburg. Peter also changed the calendar to the same style used in most of Europe. He paid special attention to the development of science. He was a famous and skillful diplomat and a talented military leader. Under Peter's rule, Russia became a great European nation. In 1721, he proclaimed Russia an Empire and was accorded the title of Emperor of All Russia, Great Father of the Fatherland and "the Great." Some of his accomplishments are during the Great Northern War with Sweden, which lasted for nearly his entire reign. Russia eventually won the war with the signing of the Treaty of Nystadt in 1721. Although Russia had really won the war in 1709 at the battle of Poltava, Sweden continued to fight because of support from France and Britain. The results of the war made Russia the most powerful country in Northern Europe, and the undisputed master of the Baltic Sea. The Great Northern War also, and more importantly, made Peter know throughout Europe as a powerful, successful, and ultimately Western style leader of a respected nation. Peter the Great :: History, Informative PETER THE GREAT Peter the Great born on May 30, 1672. He shared power with his brother from 1682, but when Ivan died in 1696, Peter was officially declared Sovereign of all Russia. Peter was important because he wasn’t just any ruler, he created a regular army and navy. During his reign the Russian military increased from around 30,000 men in 1695, to about 300,000 men in 1725, and that included the newly formed navy. He completely changed the government into a bureaucratic state with its capital in St. Petersburg. Peter also changed the calendar to the same style used in most of Europe. He paid special attention to the development of science. He was a famous and skillful diplomat and a talented military leader. Under Peter's rule, Russia became a great European nation. In 1721, he proclaimed Russia an Empire and was accorded the title of Emperor of All Russia, Great Father of the Fatherland and "the Great." Some of his accomplishments are during the Great Northern War with Sweden, which lasted for nearly his entire reign. Russia eventually won the war with the signing of the Treaty of Nystadt in 1721. Although Russia had really won the war in 1709 at the battle of Poltava, Sweden continued to fight because of support from France and Britain. The results of the war made Russia the most powerful country in Northern Europe, and the undisputed master of the Baltic Sea. The Great Northern War also, and more importantly, made Peter know throughout Europe as a powerful, successful, and ultimately Western style leader of a respected nation.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Society’s Favor for Mental Labor :: Scientific Sciences Labor Work Essays

Society’s Favor for Mental Labor A claim is a statement made to influence others to accept a certain point of view. In her essay "Science, Facts, and Feminism," Ruth Hubbard presents various claims criticizing the way scientific epistemology works as a separate, exclusive entity. Hubbard’s claims suggest that the way society perceives and values science ought to be reevaluated. I agree strongly with two of her claims. One of these claims states that "this society values mental labor more highly than manual labor" (121). This claim is fairly straightforward in meaning; it says that the Western culture places a higher priority on mental labor than manual labor. In the Western culture, positions which require completion of stringent educational requirements rank higher in status, both in terms of respect and monetary rewards, than those which require physical work. In America people working in mental occupations are often paid higher salaries than those working in manual positions. The number of letters following one’s name that indicate educational achievement often dictates the amount of respect he or she receives. People sometimes look down upon jobs requiring intense physical labor. The people who see mental labor as superior sometimes cite the fact that anyone could work outside all day in the sun, but it takes an educated professional to work in a laboratory. This outlook exemplifies the value society places on mental work. While I agree with Hubbard’s claim, it is a bit naà ¯ve in assuming that every occupation is either all manual or mental. While most jobs are viewed by society as wholly manual or mental occupations, manual occupations cross over into mental occupations (and vice versa) every day. Farmers, for instance, must have knowledge in the areas of business, biology, and mathematics, to name a few, in order to run a profitable operation. However, most farmers, thought of as "manual" workers, do not attain the same respect as a business person or scientist, "mental" workers. My personal experiences have demonstrated to me the truth in Hubbard’s claim that society places a higher value on mental work than manual work. I have lived on a farm my entire life, so I feel I am acutely aware of society’s devaluation of manual labor. While most farmers work hours that would breach those of almost any "day job," they are still, on average, paid far less than, for example, an engineer that has set weekday hours and rare weekend work.

Body Art and Ornamentation Essay

There is no culture in which people do not, or did not paint, pierce, tattoo, reshape, or simply adorn their bodies (Schildkrout, 2001). Throughout history, body art and ornamentation has become a worldwide phenomenon and has played a key role in our lives, yet there is a social stigma which we cannot seem to rid ourselves of. It is most commonly misunderstood and misinterpreted which can be attributed to the fact that the symbolism and significance of the body art and/or ornamentation doesn’t always translate the same among the cultures. Although Western culture views body art and ornamentation as being associated with mischief and rebellion, Japanese and African cultures use it as a way of expressing spirituality as well as cultural expression. The existence of body art and ornamentation can be traced all the way back thirty thousand years or more back to when cavemen drew pictures on the cave walls. According to Kuhn & Stiner (n.d.), the alteration and enhancement of oneâ⠂¬â„¢s body originated from the Kapthurin formation in Kenya. Anthropologists even believe that body art and ornamentation was present during the Middle Pleistocene in both Eurasia and Africa. Expression and art are two factors that play a fundamental part in African culture. According to Clarke (2006), many African societies symbolically view body art and ornamentation as a special role in guiding one’s destiny and success, mediating between world of the living as well as the spiritual world, expressing community ideals, defining power and leadership, protecting and healing, and celebrating or commemorating the cycles of life, human and agricultural. African culture uses a variety of ways to display their body art and ornamentation depending on which society they live in. These ways include: incorporating shells, teeth, or claws into their clothing or jewelry, wearing colored body paint, exaggerating human features (i.e. elongation of the neck), gauging piercings in the ears and/or lip, scarification, and tattooing. Looking from another culture’s perspective, the various forms of African body art and ornamentation are seen as being weird, out of the ordinary, and we don’t understand the importance they hold within these African cultures. On the other hand, there are other cultures such as the Japanese, who instead of outwardly portraying their body art and ornamentation will instead conceal it so it won’t be visible at all. The first signs of body art and ornamentation which appear in the Japanese culture were first noted as originating all the way back to AD 297 (Rapp, 2010). Back then, tattoos would signify which occupational group certain men belonged to and men, both young and old, would get tattoos all over their bodies including their faces. Men would even go as far as getting full body tattoos which could be found on laborers, firemen, and gangsters (Hopkins-Tanne, 2000). The Chinese considered all Japanese tattoos an act of barbarism and was perceived as being extremely negative. The body art and ornamentation that exists and has existed within the Japanese culture spreads beyond just tattooing and there are a few other methods that they used. First, many married Japanese women or courtesan in the 10th through 19th centuries would apply a paste to their teeth which would blacken them (Schildkrout, 2001). This was considered as being beautiful as well as sexually appealing to where as we would vi ew that as abnormal and ugly. Secondly, they would bind the women’s feet in order to make them smaller and the process was extremely excruciating, but again, it was considered as being beautiful. The pain that was felt and the blood that was shed served as an offering to the gods, ancestors, and spirits (2001). On the other end of the spectrum, culture within the United States has a split view regarding body art and ornamentation. In the United States, forms of body art and ornamentation can include: tattoos, piercings, branding, corseting, scarification, gauging the earlobe, make-up, plastic surgery, and dental implants (Schwarz, 2006). We live in a society where we idolize and preach the importance of physical attractiveness. In doing so, there is the separation of individuals into five different groups that exist within the social structure. The five groups include: the conformist group, the innovators, ritualists, retreatists, and the rebellion group (Rapp, 2010). The conformist group consists of individuals who understand and accept the emphasis on the beauty of the body in its natural state and the only type of body art or ornamentation that’s used is superficial . On the other hand, the individuals who are classified as innovators accept the whole concept of the beauty of the natural body, but go to the extremes to achieve this. The individuals who refuse to conform to what society has deemed as beautiful yet maintains a natural body and stays within certain bounds regarding body art and ornamentation. Retreatists include individuals who don’t abide by the guidelines of proper hygiene as well as body art and ornamentation and won’t acknowledge the beauty of the natural body. Lastly, there are individuals who are set out to change the social structure and bring about a new phase of body art and ornamentation and they make up the rebellion group (2010). Nowadays, in American culture we see body art and ornamentation, such as tattoos and piercings, as being acceptable as well as fashionable. It’s not uncommon to see people have a variety of body art, ornamentation, and body modification performed. The majority of people go and get tattoos when they experience a pivotal point in their lives as well as trying to create a sense of identity for themselves. Everyone tries to be original in their own way, but the end result is the creation and growth of conformity. By this, I mean that everyone is going out and getting tattoos, piercings, or plastic surgery and they’re trying to be â€Å"original†, but when all is said and done, they begin to blend in with one another. No matter what people say or do, a stigma has remained attached to all the various kinds of body art and ornamentation. According to Schwarz (2006), tattoos continue to not be entirely accepted and are a barrier to the economic success which is central to the â€Å"American dream†. For example, most employers have rules for their employees stating that they cannot have any visible tattoos and/or piercings that are visible to the public. This could be partly because there are individuals that could be offended and businesses could suffer from a loss of customers and sales. In the American culture, tattoos are not acceptable in a number of situations esp ecially when it has to do with the general public (2006). The highest percentage of the American culture that has body art and ornamentation can be found in the younger generations. Many teens go through a period in their lives where they feel the need to rebel against the social norm especially to spite their parents. Their choices of body art and ornamentation are indicative of their attitudes and values (Crapo, 2013). Attitudes are statements of one’s preferences while values are what we consider good or bad (2013). This plays into why certain individuals look down upon body art and ornamentation and end up enforcing the negative stigma. In conclusion, the implementation of body art and ornamentation is a designated way of indicating the various cultural differences that exist within cultures worldwide. The main reason there has been the rise in the popularity of body art and ornamentation is a result of cultural commercialism. Despite how hard we try to eliminate the soci al stigma of body art and ornamentation, it will never completely be gone. Unfortunately, we can’t have everyone’s personal opinion be the same as one another, but there is one thing that we can do. We can make the effort to educate the various cultures on one another so that we are able to comprehend the vocabulary that is used, the meaning of symbols, myths and legends, and social values. People in different cultures continue focusing on the negative aspects of body art and ornamentation, but if we were able to understand one another, the idea of peace on earth isn’t that far out of reach. References Clarke, C. (2006). The art of africa: A response for educators. The Metropolitan Museum of Art. Retrieved from Ebscohost database Crapo, R.H. (2013). Cultural anthropology. San Diego, CA: Bridgepoint Education Hopkins-Tanne, J. (2000). Body art: Marks of identity. British Medical Journal. doi: 320(7226):64 Kappeler, P., Stahl, J., & Wohlrab, S. (2006). Modifying the body: Motivations for getting tattooed and pierced. Science Direct: Body Image 4, 87-95. Retrieved from Kuhn, S.L. & Stiner, M.C. (n.d.) Body ornamentation as information technology: Towards an understanding of the significance of early beads. Retrieved from

Monday, September 16, 2019

Ghale Gaun

The marvelous village of the Ghales lies in the west of Nepal. Ghale gaon, known for its culture , natural beauty and hospitality is an old village resided only by the Ghale tribe. The village is one of the famous places under domestic tourism. It is situated in the cold mountains of Lumjunj. The weather is cold throughout the year. It observes heavy snow-fall during the winters and chilling winds in summers. Ghale gaon is endowed by one of Nepal’s pristine natural and cultural beauty. There are two ways by which you can reach Ghale gaon. The first one is via motorized road from Kathmandu to Besisahar and then 5-6 hours of laborious walk from Besisahar up to Ghale gaon. The second one has the same route as the previous up to Besisahar ,but instead of going by foot you can also go by 2-3 hours of ride in a jeep that are available there. As soon as you reach your destination, the scenic extravaganza of Himalayas – Manslu, Fishtail, Annapurna and Kanchenjunga catches your eyes as it reflects the sunlight making it look even more beautiful. City dwellers might feel that they have reached somewhere unreal as abundant green trees envelops the area. The old and traditional houses that are scattered throughout the village make the environment more welcoming. As you stand in front of the gate contemplating about the charisma of the village you are warmly welcomed by the oldest member of the village (usually women) in their traditional Ghale style – white rice tika and a spruce leaf. The reason Ghale gaon is known for its hospitality is because there are no hotels or lodges; instead there is a provision of living in the houses of the residents there. There are around 45 houses, each owned by a family, where they have a provision of making you a temporary member of their family. You are given the same food, support and love that the other member of the family gets. In fact you will get your own bedroom under their roof! The family members are so friendly that when you speak the very first time with them, you’ll feel that you have known them for ages. As you keep on exploring the hamlet, you’ll find out there are no motorized oads within the village, but small narrow paths that connects all the houses of the village. The most fascinating infrastructure of Ghale gaon is their small yet important auditorium. As Ghale gaon is genuinely known for its unique culture and tradition the auditorium is used to exhibit their traditions and culture with the visitors. One of their festival is called â€Å"Krishna Charitra Nach† where they dance in the celebration of their first born baby boy. This shows their biased attitud e towards males than females. Oher festivals include Loshar, Dashain and Buddha Jayanti. Unlike the people of other parts of Nepal who celebrate Dashain by putting on red rice tika(Akshyata) and jamara , the ghale put on white tika and a spruce leaf. This shows how exclusive their tradition is. In spite of being a successful domestic tourism center, it has failed to retain the youths of the hamlet to leave the village for out of country or out of village settlements. Those whose remain in the hamlet are usually old men and women and few underage children. If they were able to restrain the youths going outside, they might have undergone further development in tourism sector. It has been found that most of the youths have gone out in the name of education buy have not return. In my opinion, one can learn a lot by exploring the lifestyles, traditions and culture of the Ghale tribe. In spite of having few drawbacks, it has a very dominating effect on domestic tourism. If you don’t believe be just take a break from your office or school, collect some friends and be ready to call on the Ghales. Once you’re there, you fall in love with the gaon for sure.

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Explain how the men and women in Shakespeare’s Othello misunderstand each other

Analysing the male and female relationships in William Shakespeare's Othello it is clear the sexes fail to understand each other, particularly on the men's part. Whilst the women are more mature and tend to overestimate the men, the men are consumed by their vanity and reputation and cannot accept women honestly. Desdemona and Othello's lack of understanding for each other contributes to their miscommunication. Othello cannot fully trust Desdemona because his love his too idealistic and he fails to comprehend her honest and realistic approach to love: She loved me for the dangers I had passed And I loved her that she did pity them. This implies that Desdemona's affections fuel his ego and he loves her for this more than anything else. Othello's worshipping of Desdemona prohibits him from truly understanding her: O my fair warrior! †¦If it were now to die, ‘Twere to be most happy; for I fear My soul hath her content so absolute That not another comfort succeeds in unknown fate.† He does not perceive her as human and capable of fault: †¦And when I love thee not, chaos is come again. Desdemona on the other hand does not romanticise Othello, but approaches their love realistically and maturely. She loves Othello for the person he is and does not shy from the topic of consummation: I saw Othello's visage in his mind. That I did love the Moor to live with him, †¦ if I be left behind†¦ The rites for which I love him are bereft me†¦ However, as much as Othello cannot understand her honest approach to love, nor can she comprehend his connection between their love and his honour. In this respect she overestimates Othello and fails to see his capacity for jealousy: †¦I think the sun where he was born Drew all such humours from him. Unwittingly, she wounds his pride by lying about the handkerchief and pursuing Cassio's disposition: I say it is not lost†¦ This is a trick to put me from my suit. Pray you let Cassio be received again. The women are seen by the men as possessions and criteria for their honour. Othello cannot conceive that Desdemona is her own person and could have emotions and opinions separate to his. She shows her assertiveness when she defends Cassio, but in doing so questions Othello's judgment. â€Å"You'll never find a more sufficient man.† Where sexuality is concerned, he seeks complete control over her. Her faithfulness is not only needed for his ego, (â€Å"Cuckold me!†) but the possibility that Desdemona has sexual desires frightens and bewilders him: †¦O curse of marriage That we can call these creatures ours And not their appetites! Iago also reflects this possessiveness over his wife. He accuses Cassio and Othello of having leapt into his ‘seat' which implies he owns Emilia, and is astounded when she defiantly reveals his malice at the end: I will not charm my tongue†¦ What, are you mad? I charge you get you home. Brabantio's response to his daughter's marriage holds a similar attitude. Desdemona, a â€Å"maiden never bold,† so still and quiet that she was scared of her own shadow, has been â€Å"stolen† from him. He clearly does not understand his daughter well for we soon see she is strong and assertive: That I did love the Moor to live with him. My downright violence and scorn†¦ May trumpet to the world.† Throughout the play Roderigo's behaviour is a prime example of how the men view the women as possessions. Hopelessly romanticising Desdemona, (who is not aware of his existence, let alone his love for her) he relentlessly pursues her attempting to purchase her through Iago: Therefore make money†¦ I'll sell all my land. Iago speaks of Othello's marriage in terms of piracy and of Desdemona as a treasure ship, reinforcing his ideas of women as possessions: †¦he hath tonight boarded a land-carack. Interestingly, Emilia comments on this weakness of all men. In contrast to the men's complete misconceptions about women, Emilia shows awareness and perceptiveness of the opposite sex. She does understand that men stereotype women and forget they have their own minds: †¦Let husbands know their wives have sense like them: they see and smell, And have palates for both sweet and sour As husbands have. She recognises the jealousy of men's natures. They are not ever jealous for the cause, But jealous for they are jealous. However, although she succinctly predicts what is behind Othello's behaviour, for all her worldliness, she fails to pinpoint the blame to her own husband. This suggests that maybe she doesn't know him that well to consider him capable of such malice. â€Å"The Moor's abused by some most villainous knave.† Preoccupied with honour, the men categorise women into either ‘whores' or ‘Madonnas,' and fail to recognise them as individuals. Desdemona, a real ‘lady,' is continually referred to as â€Å"divine† and all the men greatly esteem her. Their respect is close to worship. Casio says: You men of Cyprus, let her have your knees. Hail to thee, Lady! Roderigo swears he loves her enough to â€Å"incontinently drown† himself. Even Iago says â€Å"Now I do love her too†¦Ã¢â‚¬  and suggests he would like to sleep with her. Bianca, on the other hand, is immediately shunned for being a prostitute and is not worthy of such high regard. The play's humanisation of her undercuts the men's one-dimensional perception: I am no strumpet, but of life as honest As you that thus abuse me. Unlike Desdemona, men cannot align their honour with such a woman as she has been ‘used' and is no longer ‘pure.' In contrast to his approach to the ‘divine Desdemona' Cassio says of Bianca, â€Å"I marry her! What! A customer!† He is indifferent to her love for him, and Bianca does not realise that he will never take her seriously but always see her as a whore: ‘Tis such another fitchew! Marry, a perfumed one! Desdemona does not understand how men can label women ‘whores' for she insists that such a woman does not exist, and she therefore does not understand men's preoccupation with honour: -tell me, Emilia – That there be women do abuse their husbands In such gross kind? Misogynistic attitudes perpetrated by Iago and eventually developed in Othello reveal a distrust of women, and affirm the lack of understanding between the sexes. To Iago, all women are whores. â€Å"You rise to play and got to bed to work.† He is rude to his own wife and unhesitatingly kills her. â€Å"Villainous whore!† (He stabs her.) With Iago's manipulation, Othello adopts these views and his ‘divine' Desdemona falls straight from Madonna to whore. She has tainted his reputation and wounded his ego, (or so he believes) and he must kill her before she corrupts other men. â€Å"Yet she must die, else she'll betray more men.† His words to her become bitter and scathing: I took you for that cunning whore of Venice That married with Othello. The combination of their honour and misunderstanding of women makes the men easily jealous. We see this in their quickness to damn their wives as adulteresses without concrete evidence. Othello is so distrusting, the absence of a handkerchief becomes the ‘ocular' proof, when ironically he has seen nothing. His jealousy makes him willing to condemn. â€Å"Damn her, lewd minx!† Iago also accuses his wife with unfounded suspicion of sleeping with Cassio and Othello: He's done my office. I know not if it be true, But I, for mere suspicion in that kind, Will do as if for surety.† The men and women in Othello do not understand each other. The men's preoccupation with honour and romantic ideals of love, leads them to misunderstand women viewing them as either whores or Madonnas and possessions for men. The women, in contrast, are more mature and realistic. However women such as Desdemona overestimate the men and are unable to empathise with their attitudes, or recognise their jealous natures.